Group Relations Committee

  1. Purpose
    1.1 The purpose of the Group Relations Committee is to effect and improve communications, activities, and services in the Arkansas Area.
    1.2 The Committee will strive for harmony in achieving specific goals for the Arkansas Area through unity and service at the Area, District, and Group levels.
  2. Structure
    2.1 The Area Assembly Chairman, with the approval of the Area Assembly Co-Chairman, will appoint a Chairman for this Committee from the current Area Assembly voting membership
    2.2 The Committee membership shall consist of the D.C.M.s.
  3. Functions
    3.1 This Committee shall meet a minimum of four times annually during the quarterly Area Assembly meeting.
    3.2 This Committee’s primary responsibility shall be coordinating in the most effective manner the flow of information pertaining to unity and service from the Area Assembly to Districts, Groups, and A.A. members.
    3.3 This Committee is budgeted monies at the January Area Assembly meeting for the year, contingent upon the availability of funds. Disbursement of funds will be approved by a simple majority vote of the Committee in attendance and a copy of the minutes including the vote given to the Area Assembly Treasurer for payment.
    3.4 The Committee will report at each regular quarterly meeting of the Area Assembly on the progress of projects and expenditures of monies.
  4. Activities (See Purpose and Functions above)